The IFCL Platform and how members can Leverage their Crypto Currencies!

GoldXCoin (GXC)
1 min readDec 25, 2020

Written by: Saundria Stubbs, Marketing Director

IFCL is a membership based lending and borrowing network that allows users to leverage their blockchain assets to secure cash and crypto loans. Our Secured Automated Lending Technology is a protocol and asset agnostic architecture designed to adapt to the constantly growing class of blockchain assets. The system is designed such that , if you have an asset, you want to hold onto, you can borrow the asset you want to spend, regardless of credit history or geographic constraints.

Leverage Your Crypto Currency with our Platform

The IFCL Platform is automated, efficient , and cryptographically secure.

The IFCL Platform offers a compelling solution to many of the problems many consumers face when they need or want cash to make purchases, but do not wish to liquidate their assets.

Instead of selling your assets, IFCL enables it’s members to leverage the value of their digital assets, thereby giving them cash, offsetting tax events , avoiding exchange fees and maintaining their long position in the asset they hold.



GoldXCoin (GXC)

The GoldXCoin (GXC) is a newly issued coin that is on the Blockchain and Ethereum Network.